Set menu of classic indicator in Ubuntu 16.04
Despite its simplicity, the classic menu option still remains popular, quite convenient, informative, fast and easy, with a simple and more intuitive navigation to find installed applications, various parameters, and utilities on the system.
After the release of the operating system Windows 8 , the vast majority of users were unhappy with the configuration of the desktop and the absence in it of the usual icon menu system and soon the developers Microsoft released a correction release Windows 8.1 , where once again present on the panel icon of the classic menu system.
But in the Ubuntu some users (especially beginners ) prefer the menu Dash – classic menu
Unlike Windows , in the Ubuntu this is no problem.. Just download the deb-package with the application or connect the repository and to set the indicator of the classic menu, which, along with other indicators appear in the system tray, and will automatically start every time you log on.
Display Setting classic menu in Ubuntu 16.04 and older
The installation display the classic menus, as noted above, can be produced in two ways:
1 Set classicmenu-indicator deb-package
.. If you do not want to connect a third-party repository, download and install the application in the middle of the deb-package:
2. . With the connection repository
Open a terminal, copy and run the following commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa: diesch / testing
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install classicmenu-indicator
After the installation, open the menu Dash , enter classic menu to search for and click on the icon:
Homepage ClassicMenu Indicator
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